Many employees seek for a better salary, better benefits, world class working environment, and the list goes on and on, and I agree, these things count but contrary to what many employees believe, these things do not give true fulfillment in employment.

What then gives ultimate fulfillment in ones work life, what is that thing at the end of your work life that will make you walk out of that door with your head held high and your heart filled with pride.

Below are some of the essential keys to finding fulfillment at work.

A winning combination

Meaningful work

Would you like to be in an environment where you;

  • 1. learn new skills?
  • 2. get new challenges to solve?
  • 3. an environment where you have freedom over your work?

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  • 4. an environment where there is clarity of goals and prompt feedback from your supervisor?
  • 5. an environment where you will be able to focus on what you are doing?
  • 6. an environment where you are highly involved in numerous and diverse activities?
  • 7. an environment where talent is fully utilised?
  • 8. Then look no further than the Kenyan Alliance Insurance.

Career opportunities

Get a chance to serve in a growing middle sized  company that specializes in General Insurance, Life Insurance, Pensions and Health Insurance in an evolving industry. Get a chance to interact with professionals who have a wealth of experience and expertise in various fields.

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The Kenyan Alliance Insurance has engaged highly skilled professionals in delivering services to its clients, shareholders and the general public. We seek to recruit like minded individuals to join our rich cadre of professionals.

Dynamic Environment

Join an environment with state of the art furniture, offices, boardrooms, meeting rooms where staff exchange ideas. An environment where we have a lactation lounge for ladies. An environment where we have dining rooms where staff take their snacks, bond and mingle with the senior management.

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An environment where we promote togetherness and the spirit of family.

Join an environment where employees are encouraged to interact with employees from other departments. An environment where employees are encouraged to be friendly to one another. Join an environment where colleagues look after one another, an environment where staff are mentored to perform their duties at their best.

Join an environment where cross training is encouraged in order to ensure that employees acquire new skills.

Welcome to the Kenyan Alliance Insurance, an employer who appreciates and embraces the use of technology in delivering services to her clients.

Want To Join Team Kenya Alliance

Check out our open form below and fill the application form by filling it



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Apply by 15th-09-2021

Medical Emergency Lines

  • 0741 424 242
  • 0740 777 555