News & Media


What is asthma? Asthma is a chronic respiratory illness characterized by periodic bouts of difficulty in breathing, coughing, chest tightness and wheezing. These symptoms are caused by an inflammatory process that results in narrowing of the lungs air passages hence restricting air supply. The frequency of the bouts as well as their severity may vary [...]

Matters Health & Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is better than a lifestyle popping pills. It is strange that in these days when humanity’s life expectancy is higher than it ever has been in the history of mankind Anno Domini, we seem to have more life-threatening diseases than ever before. Today we have what feels like an explosion of lifestyle [...]


This, I am told, is the spot where the book geeks come to share their bookworm ways. You cannot be a bookworm (at least one with any measure of certification) until you have read about Johannes Gutenberg. Jeff Jarvis, an American Journalist has written a biography titled “Gutenberg The Geek” which is an absolute delight [...]

Chaos Theory: beware that butterfly in the amazon

Did you, when growing up, enjoy tossing pebbles into the water at dams and rivers? Did it fascinate you how from the point at which they entered the water, a wave would start, and many others would start, all the way to the river bank? When I was in the University, I and a friend [...]

True Fulfilment at Work

By Ryan Clements (A lawyer turned marketing professional, entrepreneur and writer) Work. It’s what we spend the majority of our adult lives doing. We all want careers that are personally engaging and financially secure, and sometimes we need to make career changes to find that satisfaction. I know that was the case with me. I [...]

Let’s Talk About Personal Finance

Personal finance involves making complex and multiple individual finance decisions which ultimately defines the quality of life lived. If not done properly it may make one, Sink into debt. Have no Savings for future. Have no discernable investments. Stressed among other medical conditions. The personal financial process consists of five separate but interrelated steps. Which […]

World Diabetes -14th November

World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on 14th November. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic disease that results in raised blood sugar/glucose levels. Blood sugar levels are regulated by Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. In diabetes, Insulin is either not produced in adequate amounts or the insulin produced is not used […]

COVID-19 Pandemic

There has been an overload of information concerning the Covid-19 pandemic facing our country and the globe at large. As expected a lot of us remain anxious and in panic about the unfolding events and I hope this will enable us to somewhat dispel some of this panic. Do you know what Covid-19 is? – […]

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