
Burglar proofing is not enough, well, life is stranger than fiction.

Did you see what burglars wanted to do in the Home Alone film? They were determined to pillage everything in the household because in their wisdom (or lack thereof) they decided to steal from a building inhabited by a boy left home alone by his parents. Sad miscalculation! The young boy in the house taught them a lesson or two as they suffered black eyes and broke some bones.

Well, life is stranger than fiction and there won’t always be a quick-thinking Kevin to lay booby traps for burglars. One wise way to be prepared for this is to get our burglary insurance policy.

  • All assets (machinery, furniture, stocks in trade, raw materials, office fixtures and fittings, office equipment etc) against theft following forcible entry or exit from the building.

Medical Emergency Lines

  • 0741 424 242
  • 0740 777 555