Engineering Insurance

They got a mind of their own…

The popular proverb discourages us from quarrelling with our tools but there are times when the tools get a mind of their own and simply refuse to turn up. Or they just decide to be damn sadists and break down when least expected. Or a novice operator may mess them up and create extensive damage.

Whatever the case, the Kenyan Alliance Engineering Insurance covers accidental breakdown and physical damage of your equipment, plant and machinery, the cost of repairs or replacement of the damaged parts.

Our cover ensures that you’ll have minimal interruptions in your production activities.

  • Contract works undertaken by a contractor against any unforeseen accidental physical loss or damage
  • Erection works undertaken by a contractor against any unforeseen accidental physical loss or damage
  • Construction plant, equipment and machinery against unforeseen accidental physical loss or damage whilst being used at the construction site for the execution of the insured project.
  • Accidental loss or damage to electronic equipment (e.g.: computers and accessories).
  • Any loss or damage to items as a result of any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage or breakdown of the machinery.

Medical Emergency Lines

  • 0741 424 242
  • 0740 777 555