Personal Accident

Do not learn safety by accident, let us give you a helping hand.

Accidents happen and people get injured or even pass on. You can be prepared for this eventuality by taking a personal accident cover and in case the unexpected happens, we will be more than willing to pay compensation to you or to your legal representative.

Because this product is for both individuals and groups, it is also ideal for students going on attachment or employees at a workplace.

We tailor-make it to suit your business needs. This policy covers the employees and the directors in case of accidents especially outside working hours. It is usually combined with the Work Injury Benefits Act 2007 (WIBA) product to provide 24-hour coverage.

  • Accidental injuries and illness
  • Medical expenses
  • Artificial appliances costs
  • Emergency evacuation
  • Funeral expenses

Medical Emergency Lines

  • 0741 424 242
  • 0740 777 555